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Hello! Happy Sunday and first day of Health and Wellness Week!

Today I want to talk all about Meal Prep. Obviously, if you’ve been reading my posts or know anything about me you are aware of how obsessed I am with being organized both personally and professionally. This goes for food too!

For the last few years I have been prepping my meals in advance. I usually choose Sunday so that when Monday morning rolls around I am back on track and ready for what ever the week may throw my way. Chances are if you are running around like crazy you may choose to eat something not so healthy. Versus is you have a meal prepped you can just grab it and go and be healthy!

Prepping a few meals in advance and storing them in containers whether it be the fridge or freezer will allow you more time to enjoy your days. Less time spent on cooking meals every single night. Crock pot meals and soups are great but you will get sick of them. And they tens to have a little too much salt! Trust me I’ve gone down that road before…

Since finding out about my autoimmune disease (NMO) I have tried really hard to eat gluten free, dairy free and mostly sugar free. When I really need a drink I will enjoy a glass of wine or beer but try to keep it in moderation. However, today is an exception as I am celebrating my Thanksgiving. That could change one day but right now I am trying to do what is best for my body. Prepping my meals to help keep my mind and body healthy.

If you want the easiest tips on how to meal prep this is what you do…

  1. Put on some great cooking music to get you in the zone. You will be in the kitchen for a few hours.
  2. Pick a protein, carb and veggie out for each meal if needed. I go through phases with meats. I’ll crave them so badly that I will have it for a few days in a row. Other times I won’t have any for weeks. I’ve had to really start listening to my body over the last few months and pay attention to what it is I am really craving.
  3. Once meals are good to go, just portion them out evenly in containers. I prefer same size and shape this way they are stackable and allow more room in fridge or freezer.
  4. Once they are put away you are done! It really is that simple. Well I guess fill the dishwasher and then you can be done! lol

Prepping for fresh juices and smoothies can be a bit annoying sometimes. You cut up all the fruit and veggies but it goes bad in the fridge after a few days. And you need it to last a week or so. How many times has this happened to you? My trick is that I freeze everything.

I cut up all my fruits and veggies and portion them into Ziploc baggies. Sometimes I blend my spinach and kale to liquid and pour them in ice cube trays. This way they last longer. Definitely cut up your bananas so they don’t turn brown and freeze as well. Adding a frozen banana to a juice or smoothie will create a milkshake-like texture.

When you wake up in the morning take out what you need for your juice or smoothie and place in blender. If it needs a little help defrosting I always add Green Matcha and/or Cleansing Cranberry Tea to help liquefy as well as add some additional benefits and antioxidants to my drink.

Over the past few months I have been posting my healthy recipes on my Pinterest so I have a great place to share and save them. If you would like some healthy items added to your menu follow me on Pinterest here. I usually create something new every week.

My current obsessions are Vegan Pancakes, Protein Balls and Veggie Burgers. I make them both from scratch. Takes me a few hours but it is so worth it!

I usually post my meals and prepping on my Instagram Stories so if you want to check that out follow me here.

Cooking for me is stress relieving. I absolutely love it! I’ve cooked on a few yachts which was incredible but my no means am I a Chef! Side Note: Really miss that unlimited food budget to create amazing meals.

One thing I always tell my friends when it comes to cooking and meal prep is to use what you have. Be creative. I bet you never would have thought to use your rice/grains or leftover veggies to make veggie burgers? Or your left over meats in the fridge to create some dam good meatballs! Try it out! You will save yourself some money as well as create a new dish that could potentially end up a family favorite!

And again if you want to check out my meal prepping and recipes click the Instagram and Pinterest links below.





PS Did I mention I have a few friends joining me this week?

Check back tomorrow for another blog! Want to stay up to date with me?

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