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Mantras are words or phrases that are chanted out loud or internally as objects of meditation.

Mantras can help relieve stress, eliminate self-doubt and create a clearer vision for you overall.

A few years ago when I started learning about Mantras I headed to Pinterest for inspiration.

And at the end of the day I decided to create my own.

Happy, Healthy, Positive and Productive. This is written in my planner, on my cork boards in my office area and sometime on my bathroom mirror! I just like to see it everywhere as a reminder throughout the day 🙂

I say this every single morning and I even sign off with it on a lot of my weekly newsletters and blog posts as another way of putting it out into the universe.

I chose these four words as they are something that covers my personal and professional life together! You simply cannot be successful if you don’t take care of yourself first!

I try very hard to meditate daily. Some days I can get a good 30 minute session in. Other days only five minutes. Consistency is key so doing something every day helps a lot!

A few mediation apps I like to use are Headspace, Insight Timer and Calm.

Music is another way to calm me down and get me really focused. I really enjoy the Relax Melodies and Relax Oriental Apps! You can customize how many noises to play at once which I really love.

A few apps that I have been using at night are Sleep Pillow, Sleep Well and SleepBot to track my sleeping patterns. That one is very interesting.

What is your Mantra? Has it helped you see clearer? Let me know in the comments below…

Wishing you a wonderful week!