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Everyone has their own individual way of working. Whether it is planning out their day or month in advance or a fly by the minute add to my calendar deal. We eventually find out which way works the best for us and make magic happen! You know the feeling when that little light turns on!

FYI! It’s always trial and error so don’t let this stress you out. And you can always decide to change down the road and that is also absolutely OK. By the way I just wrote about this on LinkedIn. You can read all about it here! 

Which ever method you choose be sure it is going to help you succeed in both your business and your personal life! Because it is all about the BALANCE right?

Today I wanted to share a few of my daily strategies (rituals) I have been using that have really helped me grow over the last six months. If you follow me on my Instagram and Stories (@kkinvegas) then you have most likely seen these already. If not, you can follow me here as I am always posting…

Below are what I like to call my Smart Strategies. I do them daily. I am definitely a planner so if you are not this way just take some notes and find a version that works best for you! And let me know what you think in the comments below…

Smart Strategies To Succeed

  • Make a daily deposit in my Happiness Jar. I write down something that has made me happy and place in a pretty purple glass vase that I have dedicated for this since 1-1-17. It’s never too late to start so get to it! The best part about this is when you are having “one of those days” you pull out a note from the Happiness Jar and boom instant gratitude and happiness are back in your life! No more sad face.
  • Journal. I journal every single day. I have for years. There is just something so calming about getting your thoughts down on a piece of paper. Release those thoughts and stress and write that sh*t down!
  • Meditate. I go back and forth between apps I have on my phone but Insight Timer usually wins most days. I always do a morning meditation and if I need it another one in the afternoon I take a break and relax. If I have trouble sleeping I do a Hypnosis version at night! Other apps I love are Calm, Sleep Well, End Anxiety, Relax Melodies and Sleep Pillow.
  • I drink lots of water throughout the day with my Lemon doTERRA Essential Oil in it! So cool and refreshing! And at night before I go to bed I spray my linens with the Lavender Oil! And if you really want to know I shower with the Melaleuca in a spray bottle. You know like I’m at a Spa! It’s the little things. And don’t knock it until you try it! It really is amazing…
  • Lately I have been trying to juice every day. On the days I don’t I really can see a difference so I am definitely getting back on track with that September 1st! That goes for short walks too. Having Chemo every week this month kind of killed that dream but I am planning to start my walks again next week.
  • Plan my week ahead. I LIVE by my planner, notepads and highlighters. They keep me the most organized. I swear I would die without them. Every Sunday I dedicate a few hours to prepping for my week ahead. Projects I am working on, appointments I have scheduled, calls I need to make, bills I need to pay, social media posts and content scheduled and everything in between. Try this. You will really love waking up on Mondays knowing that you’re all prepped and ready to go!
  • On the first of every month is when I update all of my social media, website and podcast stats in my Excel sheets that I’ve created in my computer. I also prep for the month. What type of content I want to write about, my schedule, events, etc.
  • On the first of the month is also when I redesign all of my cork boards I have. One for my mantras and inspirational quotes for the month. One for The Happy Workaholic Podcast and another one for all of the projects lined up for the month. You’ve probably seen these on my Instagram Stories. 
  • One more thing I do while I am in design mode with my cork boards is I back up all my work on my laptop from the previous month to my Dropbox and External Hard Drive. This is a must!
  • I feel like I am always talking about prepping and planning but it is honestly the best thing that you can do in order to succeed. In business and your personal life! If you make a meal plan and prep your meals you will end up eating healthier and have more time to spare for anything else. For example a workout! See..Success! As far as business goes if you follow my little list above it will also allow you more time to do what you love! Plan and schedule your blog posts and social media one week in advance and you will have so much more time for yourself or possibly a new project you’ve been wanting to start! Boom…Another success in the books for you!

I would love to know what you thought of today’s post. And if you have any strategies in place that you would like to share that have worked for you. Let me know in the comments.

PS There are two new business episodes up on The Happy Workaholic Podcast! Click here to listen! 

And don’t forget to join the conversations after the show right here!

Wishing you all a wonderful day and a glorious visit throughout my newly updated website.

You can start your journey right here!


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